Moving to a new home is definitely an exciting prospective and one that you will certainly be waiting for. After all, it takes quite a lot of time to even find a home that suits your needs, not to mention how long you will have to wait until you get your stuff packed up, the legal documents and paperwork signed and finally to get ready to move out. All of this can lead people to make hasty decisions during the buying process, including the fact that they might forget to get their new home properly inspected.This alone can be a grave mistake on your part. You won’t be able to do anything after you find a serious fault or shortcoming four months after you moved out. In that case, you will probably be responsible (and maybe even forced) to pay for those additional repairs, which can be prove to be quite taxing if you low on cash.
Therefore, it is advised to get your new home thoroughly checked up. Getting the services of an expert inspection company while carrying out another inspection yourself would be invaluable, as this would assure you that your new home is completely trouble free. Pay special attention to the following details:
Inspect the Walls for Damage and Cracks – Try to inspect each and every square meter of the walls in your new home to see whether there are any visible cracks. Give particular attention to hidden areas that are not directly seen, as cracks in such places might easily escape a quick inspection of the house.
Inspect for Water Damage – Any sign of water damaged walls might come in the form of mould growth, discoloured walls or even some damp patches here and there. If you find any such signs, you may reconsider about your purchase as the home is likely not properly waterproofed. Otherwise, be prepared to undertake the waterproofing yourself, although this might prove to a money and time-consuming project.
Check All Cabinets – Cabinets should be inspected just like the walls for any signs of mildew, mould and a smell of damp. They might signal you of the presence of damp patches just nearby, as well as rising damp in Sydney.
Check All Electrical Systems – This includes all the outlets (regardless of whether you will be using them or not), wires, installed circuit breaker, the trip switch, etc. Pay special attention to signs of damaged and exposed wires, which could easily turn into a fire hazard if ignored.
Check Storm Water Drains and Downpipes – It is essential to have working roof downpipes and stormwater drains to avoid flooding during heavy rain. Check whether they aren’t clogged or damaged, as installing an entirely new water draining system can be a costly affair.